Thursday, March 17, 2011



Children in the water
laugh and splash.
They circle and circle
round and round
like sharks.
I am vigilant, on the edge.
Danger! Danger!
I hear in my head.
I scan the scene for trouble,
scout sorrows yet to come,
watch for the dreaded undertow;
I guard, ready to run.


  1. I know that feeling, I could never relax when the children were in the water! Great poem, captures the emotion perfectly.

  2. I don't think we ever outgrow this mother-thing.

  3. Relate! I have an unreasonable hatred of swimming-pool parties.
    Beautifully done.

  4. Hard to imagine when we won't be there to protect...whomever. But we won't be.

  5. You voiced that underlying 'fear thing' beautifully. My children are all grown .. I remember watching them frolic in our back yard pool ~ always on my guard.

  6. Yes, summer means the pool or the beach for my kids. NOT a time to relax. I like "scout sorrows yet to come". It all looks so calm and fun on the surface. My three year old just this past year at Hilton Head fell in the"big" pool. Thank Goodness he had his life vest on! (I had taken my eyes off him for a second)

  7. so much going on at the have to think about all the people, what might be in the water...i get you...

  8. I remember those days, never able to relax, watching all the while. It's at second-hand now, with grandchildren, but still there.
    Beautifully expressed.

  9. I can definitely relate to that! As worried parents, we become lifeguards. I'll think of you when I'm at the beach this weekend!

  10. I like how the pace of the poem feels like that worrying we do - vigilant & poised for action :)

  11. You've captured that not relaxing terrifically.

  12. "..scout sorrows yet to come." Great phrase. Parents are always on guard, ready to run. The trouble never leaves, it just changes...

  13. There's a rhyme scheme in the latter lines that I like very much. This is a fine metaphor for motherhood in general too.

  14. Yes, the metaphor is very powerful. Watch out for the undercurrents.

  15. I've always been torn between letting them learn to swim and calling them to shallower waters...fortunately, I usually grit my teeth and let them swim.

  16. "scout sorrows yet to come" ~ living in FEAR [False Events Appearing Real] ~ something I do regularly. Unfounded grief and worry can ruin a good day at the beach...and you nailed it on the head. Really enjoyed it.

    I played this week for the first time. Hope you'll stop by: Free Fall.

  17. Excellent poem. I've only ever been on the other side of this, the fun side, and I never was able to find the famous undertow to sweep me out to adventure. My mom is real glad about that.

  18. oy i feel this one....i feel the same with my greatest fear is that something will happen to them...

  19. Are you sending us here by accident, my friend. I remember this poem. It's very good. I'm going to your home page now....

  20. Powerful poem! I am a grandmother, and I know of what you speak. I am watchful, even when the kiddos are NOT in the water.
