Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day

Snow Day

Again, the call disturbing fitful sleep.
The ground, the whole world,
White and swirling.
The children, swaddled, nestled, snug,
Turn in dreams,
Their math the geometry of crystals,
Their compositions written in the sky.


  1. :)Love the way you projected geometry in the winter sky

  2. It's so beautiful...just magical! And your poem is perfection, the ideal marriage of words and photo. Enjoy your snow day, Karen. We got three inches one day in January and you'd have thought it was a blizzard. Love & Blessings! xo

  3. I don't think I'll ever get a snow day. Sigh.

  4. We have the snow karen, but it doesn't look anything like that. city snow never does. No snow days here unles the temperature is below 5(f)

  5. what a lot of snow! I love the last two lines of the poem .

  6. outdoor schooling....always a bonus.
    nice verbal snapshot of a new day.

  7. I specially like: Their math the geometry of crystals ~

    Enjoy your week, smiles ~
