Saturday, October 1, 2011

These Eyes

     The Poetry Jam asks that we write about something that we once thought was a flaw but have come to understand as an asset. When I was younger, I hated that I was cursed with the ability to see all sides of an issue. I felt wishy-washy and weak. Today, I recognize my ability as an asset in working with people and mediating problems.
     I grew to trust my inner sight and understand that as long as I am true to myself, "I cannot then be false to any man."

These eyes

Argus had them,
Wakeful watch.

They curse me,
Two faced Janus.

I pluck them,
Lull them,
Scratch them out,

For only two,
Can move
In straight Lines.

These many eyes,
Plot all
The ground around.


  1. I think it is a good asset and an advantage to see all the "eyes" ground around. Thanks for sharing ~

  2. I love your poem - it's pretty fabulous even without the explanation.

    I've felt that way too - and in HR it was more of a curse than a blessing. But really it does help to be able to see things from multiple points of view.

  3. I like this, the distance in the telling. And that final stanza is beautiful, and leaves the reader in just the right place.

  4. This is so full of insight ... the people in your life are quite fortunate you have that ability. Many don't.

  5. What a meaningful piece. I too was a peacemaker and often felt betrayed by the labels that others placed on me.

  6. All-seeing eyes. I like that. :)

  7. I think it is a great strength to see all sides, I enjoyed the poem too, specially the last stanza

  8. Beautiful poem. I loved it from the first line. Your words are very descriptive and powerful

  9. Everyone - Thank you so for your comments. I do appreciate your reading and commenting here. I've been a bad blogger and am sorry for not responding earlier.
