The power has been out here
Twice already.
I know I should be writing
While there's light.
I know I should be writing.
I never find the time to,
But still, I waste
A solitary night.
I turn the cards and shuffle,
Smack them down while thinking,
I know I should be writing
While there's time.
When Grandma lay here dying,
I used to hear her playing,
Shuffling through the night
Until she'd gone.
I know I should be writing.
I harbor no illusions;
I shuffle, and I play
This game alone.
And you, Dear Reader, shimmer,
Figment of my Fancy,
You shake your head
At each cliche I own.
I harbor no illusions,
That my words somehow matter,
Witness to things
I think or feel.
Solitary writer,
I sit here in the darkness.
I sit here in the darkness,
And I deal.