Friday, April 16, 2010



Synonyms: crowing, bragging(a), boastful, cock-a-hoop, self-aggrandizing, braggart(a), braggy, self-aggrandising, big

Antonyms: humble

If Bolts of Silk weren't such a high quality ezine, I'd be ashamed of myself for self-aggrandizing, but as Juliet Wilson's online poetry magazine is a great place to read a variety of poetic styles, you should get to know it anyway.

So take a minute to head over to Bolts of Silk, where you can see my little bit of worship and many, many more wonderful poems!


  1. I read your poems, among others, Karen. No need to feel shame at wanting your wonderful words read and recognized and wonderful they are.

  2. Will do, with pleasue. Thanks for the steer.

  3. If I can not cock-a-hoop me then who? Walt Whitman was the greatest advocate of himself that America has ever known until some present day politicians came along.

  4. Congrats! Enjoyed them very much. ^_^

  5. Congratulations! The ezine looks good & that is a very good poem.

  6. Ditto. Congratulations!
    I love horn blowing anyway.

  7. If that makes one shameless, I am shameless all the time! :)

    Its a lovely place. So thank you for guiding us to it.

  8. Thank you for being shameless! Awesome to see!!

  9. Oh, you shameless woman! I am so proud of you. Heading over to Bolts now...

  10. Golly gee whiz. With spare strokes you paint a vibrant picture with heart and soul

  11. Yay, Karen! Congratulations!!! I said it at Bolts of Silk, and I'll say it again here...your poem is so beautiful! The colors and images are stunning, and that last line just lifted me out of my seat.

    Shoot, why on earth would you feel like you're bragging for sharing your honor? You deserve it, girl! Artists have exhibits, musicians play for the public, and poets publish. That's what it's all about...sharing the words with people who will appreciate it. And I'm one of many people who appreciate your words (and you). Bolts of Silk is awesome. I'm so happy for you again, sis! Keep up the wonderful work (I know you will)!

  12. Thanks for the link! I always looking forward to expanding my universe of poetry

  13. A lovely piece, and so perfect for the season. My cardinals have twice the wattage they had a month or two ago, which is hard to believe when you think of those red flashes against the snow. Thanks for the introduction to Bolts of Silk.

  14. thanks for this post and for sending so many people over to Bolts of Silk to have a look!
