Friday, October 26, 2012

In the Imaging Center

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Go.

In the Imaging Center

I'm six feet back,
avoiding exposure
as my mother makes
a sky chart of the screen:
The Milky Way.
Venus. Sirius rising.
It turns and spins,
a moving universe.
In deeper space,
sonar enters
a black hole that
pulls me into the
Center of Imagining.
The steady star blinks,
and six feet back,
a satellite orbits
the dimly dying light.

*the image is a sample, not today's actual images

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Breaking Out, Taking Flight

On a beat of the wind
Like the beat of a wing,
What I thought to be leaves
Blew from the trees.

On a beat of the wind,
They peppered my sight--
A murder of crows,
Breaking out, taking flight.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Whisper of the Wild

Whisper of the Wild

You bear it
in your
thick, tipped coat
and icy eyes,
howl it
in dreams
of climbs
through forests deep,
lift your head
and bay it
from your
pampered prison bed.

This is written for the Poets United prompt to write about a wolf. It is acknowledgement of the wild in even the sweetest, most domesticated of dogs.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Life

One Life

This is your one life
I told her.
Your one life,
And you spend these days
On those old things?
There's comfort
In the familiar:
Fall back;
Crablike, crawl.
Lateral is not
But death will find you
Upside down,
Or backward.
This is your one life,
I said.
I dare not say
The rest.

Thursday, October 4, 2012



Full juicy,
prickly maybe,
or hard as sun-bleached bone.

Perfume in the dark.

Break one open
and, copiously, it weeps
enough to feed you.