Sunday, March 14, 2010



You can have your Stella McCartney;

I prefer my Stella Arty.

She makes me tell you what I’m thinking --

only do that when I’m drinking --

otherwise I keep it mum;

let them think I'm playing dumb.

People say my water’s still;

I say silence fits the bill

for someone who prefers to keep

her pretense of being deep.

So I play this silly game --

Keeping Secrets is its name –

and as long as Stella stays

on the shelf, I do okay,

but when she fills my frosted glass,

I open my mouth and show my...!


  1. I never could resist a party, and I just couldn't let the Poetry Bus leave without me, so TFE, this one's for you! Oh, and thanks, Titus, for the inspiration!

  2. Oh, and by way of explanation, we had to use Stella McCartney and Stella Artois in the first two lines. Mine are a little mixed from the original, but then, Stella can do that to a gal!

  3. Fine fun poem, deadly funny punchline.Fancy a drink? I have a cool glass of Stella here!

  4. That poem is soo funny. And, yes, I understand how it works. :)

  5. Priceless, Karen. I love it when you take your pretense off! ;)

    I'd comment more at length, but I still have the tears in my eyes from laughing my ass off.

    (and what were you saying about not being free enough???)

  6. Wooo Hooo! Someone has been taking lessons from Puck! Yay! :-) LOL, love it.

  7. Hmmm, my previous comment seems to have been deviously eaten by a faerie. I love this! You've been taking lessons from my friend Puck I see. LOL Karen!

  8. Great poem, Karen, in honour of the beer and the poetry bus. Cheers.

  9. My secrets never were safe even when sober. I should get drunk just because being drunk gives me room to backpedal the story some. But then that too would make no difference because I am all ass.

  10. I can't believe you were keeping mum in your own one as well!
    Excellent take, and a great play with your blog persona.

  11. Great poem! Give me a giggle on this Monday morning.

  12. Great fun. Absolutely captivating. We could do with more like this.

  13. Funny how you always think that those who keep their own counsel are actually very wise!
    Good fun and a moral thrown in!

  14. Ha! Love this one.

    I'm a fan of Belgian beer too. Chimay anyone?

  15. Brilliant!

    There's so much fun in this poem - and so much truth for many of us, I bet!

    Cheers Karen :D

  16. Killer ending! Still smiling at it!

  17. what can i do but raise a glass to this one? perfect!

  18. Good one. A light poem with a dark edge to it.

  19. Friends - What can I say except thanks? It was a fun, fun party! I hope you didn't see it coming from me!

  20. lol.. great poem! and sooo true... just add alcohol for a night of cringe making memories. Excellent stuff!

  21. Great stuff! I think I need some Stella too!

  22. Thanks for stopping by. Your take on the Stellas is quite a romp.

  23. We certainly didn't see it coming from you and we can certainly do good with some more. :)

    I like Hoegaarden more than Stella though. Just useless information for you to have. :D

  24. Blog theme song. Right there. :)

  25. Everyone - Thanks for the comments. There's not much to say about this one - just written for the fun!

  26. I'm just now discovering your poem, Karen, and I LOVE IT! So much fun! The last lines rock (but all of it rocks). I usually show my ass (figuratively speaking) whether I'm drinking or not...but ESPECIALLY if I drink. You nailed it!

  27. funnier because it comes from you. Love it.)

  28. OMG, such true words. Delightful!

  29. Julie - Just feeling a little light-hearted with this one. I really debated posting it because it's rather out of (my online) character, but then, in real life, it's right in character, so... :-D

    Sarah - Thanks! It would be nice if we could all get together at some point and be the real us!

    Zouxzoux - I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  30. This is so lovely, Karen! Sparkly!
    It's good to let Stella frost your glass every now and then... :-) :-) :-)

  31. Vesper - Thanks! Just a fun one!

    Sarah - Tip one together?
