Thursday, February 7, 2013

Secrets -- Packed, Prayed, and Otherwise Woven

Secrets ---
Packed, Prayed, and Otherwise Woven

Innocent as an oyster
That holds a seeded pearl,

Tangible as sweltering desire,
Tangy on the tongue,

Simple as a flickering flame
That tosses shadows

To crusty garden walls.

No questions asked.
No permission sought.

No questions asked;
No merciless assault ---

Only secrets served
With simple sauce,

Tangy on the tongue.


  1. One day maybe I will keep my secrets to myself. I'd have to learn how to do that though.

  2. This poem strikes me as wonderful. I like the repetition of the image and words...tangy on the tongue, as well as the image...innocent as an oyster. There is so much said and unsaid in this. Well done.

  3. Very powerful! I love the repetition of the line
    "Tangy on the tongue."

  4. Secrets with simple sauce, please. I'll take three, please.

    Very cute.

  5. nice...i like innocence as the oyster, holding the secret as a pearl...tangy...they certainly can be...just dont give them away to just any body....

  6. Only secrets served
    With simple sauce,

    And your words were flavoured by perfection - what better sauce could there be?

  7. Secrets served with simple sauce... A very clever use of the words in this poem. It's amazing how the same words can take people to different places.

  8. I like the apparent disconnect between the simplicity of the sauce and its "tanginess."

    Toothless Fadista

  9. I like the taste of secrets, tangy on the tongue ~

  10. Really like 'secrets served with simple sauce, tangy on the tongue' as well. Well chosen words just flow as I read them! Nice.

  11. Love the words you chose for this work. This was fun to read aloud and think about!

  12. Love the way this poem was written. Nice!

  13. I find "innocent as an oyster" especially endearing.

  14. Served up with much elegance and style..very nicely done:-))
