Sunday, March 4, 2012



If I could, I'd pop my top,
Push you down inside,
Be the hard outer shell,
Your first line of defense.
Happy as a clam, I'd guard
The pearl of great price inside.


  1. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing these images.

  2. Oh this is EXACTLY how I feel about Mike! He's such a softy & I'd like to just coat him in my hard Bug shell :)

  3. ThNks, all. Okay! It's your turn. What do you collect?

  4. funny, i too, loved matryoshkas. i think i had a set when i was younger. they were all around, to be found on the shelves - you know, we were bordering the former Soviet Union :)

    while it is a lovely poem, and i can see it as that, i sense another voice, too - an obsessive/possessive one.
    go figure :)

  5. Sheep...LOL! Yeah, I lost my shell decades ago. Beautiful, Karen.

  6. I love this beautiful little poem Karen, and thankyou for visiting my blog. Sorry you lost your pond, but the creek must be lovely and more natural too.

  7. SzelsoFa - i bought a set when I was in Hungary. I have at least one set in all of the main rooms of my house. The feeling I have is one of fierce protection.

    LC - there's something about a wooly lamb!
