Saturday, March 17, 2012

On Cleaning My Mother's House

On Cleaning My Mother's House

This, too, is prayer,
is worship, adoration,
a purifying altar --
a sacrificial cup.
This is a song of praise,
a calming of the water,
a bended knee,
a holy benediction.
I run but do not weary,
for here, you raise me up.


  1. I love very much. It would take half a lifetime to explain why, but I don't think I need to explain. Thank you!

  2. What Linthead said and another Thank You Karen.

  3. Amazing what connects us, sometimes so simply and honest.

  4. Oh wow - this reminds me of my mother, who would come visit me & do things like clean out the refrigerator. I never felt ashamed that it needed cleaning - I felt absolutely loved by her actions :)
