Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Criminal Admits Her Guilt

Happy New Year, All! I wanted to write a New Year's poem and found myself falling into my natural way of writing, which I am certain grates on most modern readers' sensibilities. So, borrowing a form from Robert Herrick, who would die again if he knew it, and blaming Real Toads for the inspiration, here's my first poem, er apology, of 2013:

Criminal Admits Her Guilt
Vain Attempt to Write a New Year's Poem

The days, they fall away like dust,
Like stardust from my hand
That stains my palm with fiery ash,
Then scatters o'er the land...

No, wait;
I've nothing new to say,
The same tired image, meter, rhyme...

I write the way I must;
The words, they fail? This is my crime.


  1. I write about the same stuff too ~

    Happy New Year ~

    1. ...maybe that's why I think you're so great!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the vote! Made me smile this morning.

  3. ha. i rather like the start, but you breaking into your own poem is fun...i tend to go around the same topics all the time, just the context changes...new year, much of the same...smiles..

    1. Sometimes I feel as if I should have lived in a different century (poetry-wise) but am "thoroughly modern" otherwise!

  4. But, but I LIKE the way you usually write! But I enjoyed this meta moment too :)

  5. I'm, sorry to get to your poem so late. The more I read this form the more I like it. You have made it your own and it's perfect for your writer's lament.

  6. I breathed, tasted, suffered every beat of this poem:0 I am addicted to rhythm and rhyme....about the same ole stuff all the time. Funny how one can say the same things in so many ways, ! I enjoyed your poem. I am a lover of classic poetry too.

  7. Blood on the pen...but they say writing is a victimless crime.
    Is it, I wonder.
    Your form was perfect.
